Interview with Angaangaq

Angaangaq is talking about his task as a shaman and what it means being a shaman. Video Coopzeitung

Angaangaqs invitation to Greenland summer 2019

Ikinngutit – Ilisarisimasarpassuakkalu …***** …
Family, Friends and all my Relations … ***** …

may I invite you to a summer camp and ceremony in Greenland from August 7-16, 2019.

At 8th of August it will be the 50th anniversary of my spiritual task given by my fparents to build a healing center for my people on the Qaqqarsuaq, the sacred mountain of my ancestors. They said to me: “Build a healing center for our people, where they can learn to walk tall and powerful as they are meant to be, one more time.” Later on I was instructed by my Elders Atsaarsuaq and Akkaaraq to build a healing center for the world, because people of the world are in need for healing.

I invite you to celebrate that anniversary with me in Greenland, where you can experience the unique and wild beauty and vastness of the tundra with its ancient, original energy. We will feel the Big Ice and absorb its wisdom within us.
See you in Greenland in August.Takuss.



Angaangaq´s Meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis in the Vatican

Ikinngutit Ilisarisimasarpassuakkalu…….********………
Friends and All My Relations……********……..

Ukiut pinggasut matuma siornagut – Katuullit Paaviat Francis Vatican-imiit ‘Nunarsuattinni Silaannap Allangoriartupiloornera’ allaaserimmagu – Siorna uanga ZDF-ip TiiVii-janit aallakaatitassiarineqarnerma nalaani -aalajangiuppara Katuullit Paavia Franscis ‘allaffiginiarlugu’ – Fiilminnguamik immiussivunga oqaluttuullugu qanoq pingaaruteqartigisoq Kalaallit Nunaannut tikeraarnissaa – tassami uagut Nunarput qitijummat Nunarsuattinni Silaannap Allanngoriartupiloornerani Sermersuaattalu aakkiartupiloornera sakkortoqisumik Nunarsuattinnut sunniuteqartussaammat aammalu Inuppassuit eqqorneqartussaammata –

Qangali tusaamavara Paavi Francis qaaqqusisoq Nunamini inuppassuarnik katerisimaartittiniarluni tamannarppiaq eqqartoqatigiissutiginiarlugu – tamatta suleqatigiinniartariaqalerpugut ajutoornerpassuit takkuttussat iliuuseqarfiginissaannut –

Uannga Ataatatta – Attattarallaap – inuusuttuaraallungali angalasalerama oqaaqqissaarutaa malittuaannarsimavara – ‘aggersarsimaneqartinnak ornigutinngisaannassaatit’ –

Taamaammat Vatican-imut qinnuteqanngilanga aggersarneqarsimannginnama.

Juulip Sisamaani ikiortima Ft Myers-imiit allaffigaanga Ikinngutiga Peter Blaze Corcoran-ip allaffigaanga Vatican-imiittussaagami assut takorusukkaluarlunga nalunnginnamiuk Roma-iittussaasunga –

Juulip Tallimaani Doorn-imiittussaagama Earth Charter-ip ukiuni Attanini ingerrlanneqarnera Ullorsiutigineranut oqalugiartussatut toqqarneqarsimagama akuerinikuugakkillu Roma qimappara ullup qiterornerani –

Mittarfimmut apuullungalu allagarsilerpunga Vatican-ip qaaqqugaanga Katerisimaarneruaq ilaaffigiartorlugu – oqalugiartussalligooq naammareermata allamik ilaqqinneqarsinnaanngittut –

Allaffiga sianerfigaara akuereqqullugu qaaqqutinnera –

Doorn-imi unnuveriaarlunga ullororneranilu oqalugiariarlunga unnukkorsiutinik sassaasut tamuluffigiinariarlugit Amsterdam-ip mittarfissuanut ingerlavunga Roma-mut uteriartorlunga – unnuakkut marrlunngorrtoq Roma-mut apuullunga illusimmavissannut ingerlaavunga – ullaakkullu Arfineernut Vatican-imukarlunga – tassani atsiortitaariaarlunga kinaanernullu ilisarnaat tigullugu inuppassuit akornannut pulavunga kaffinnguaamik qineerlunga –

Ullaakkut Arfineq Pngasunngortoq kalerrisaarilerput inuit Famhornorujuvit missaaniittut ingerlaqatigiilluta Katuullit Paaviat Francisco oqalugiartussaq tusarnaariartorlugu –

Paavi Francisco oqalugiareerluni aalajangerpallappoq aggersarsimasani tamaasa ataasiakkarlugit qutsaviginiarlugit ilasserusullugit ornigussimanerinut –

Aajuku assit ilai Paavi Francisco-lu ilasseqatigiinnittinni – maannakkullu aqqissorniarneqalerpoq kingusinnerusukkut Vatican–imut utissasunga ‘marluinnaalluuta oqaloqatigiinniassagatta’ –


Three years ago, Pope Francis issued a statement about Climate Change – thus I taped a short message to His Holiness Pope Francis – inviting him to Greenland – so he himself could see the severity of the Climate Change since Kalaallit Nunaat – The Land of the People – Greenland – is the Ground Zero of Climate Change.

On the Third Year Anniversary of the Pope’s Statement on Climate Change, a big Gathering was being held in the Vatican during the 5 and 6 July this year –

Me – I was instructed by our beloved Father Aataa Aataqqii – Attattarallak – since I was young – that ‘never go without being invited’ – thus I did not apply to participate –

July 05, I was a guest speaker at the 18th Anniversary of Earth Charter in Doorn in Nederland – I left Rome during the afternoon – as I arrived at the Rom Airport I received a note from the Vatican that they have found a space for me to attend the Gathering –

I did my work in the Netherlands and left for Amsterdam Airport to return to Rome and arrived by 0200 – by 0600 I was in the Vatican and after registration looked for some coffee – by 0700 it was announced that all participants will be walking to another locale where His Holiness Pope Francis will address the participants –

After his talk – it was announced that the Pope wants to greet every participant – thus one by one we were greeted by His Holiness the Pope –

Here are few of the pictures of my meeting and greeting with Pope Francis – Now people are working on that His Holiness the Pope and I will have a personal meeting later this year.

Angaangaq´s Message to His Holiness, Pope Francis | Greenland

Ikinngut- Ilisarisimasarpassuakkalu…….*******…….

Sijorna Qeqeratarsuarmiillunga ZDF-TiiVii-ata Noorliit Nunaanni aallakaatitassamik immiussilluta aalajangiuppara Kristumiut Katuuliusut Qullersaannut Paavimut oqaaseqalaarniarlunga – aajuna tamanut takusassanngorlugu saqqummiuppara –

Paavip ukiut marluuk siornatigut allannikuugami Silaannap allanngoriartornera sakkortusigaluttuinnartoq siunissami qanittumi Inugiaat tamarmik ikioqatigiillutik suleqatigiinniartariaqalersut – inuppassuimmi nunarpassuillu annertoqisumik sunnerneqartussaammata – Nunarsuattalu Avannaani uagut Kalaallit Nunaanni Sermersuatta aakkaluttuinnarnera Silaannap Allanngoraluttuinnarneranut qitiummat –

Suleqatiseriniarlugu aperigakku ….


Friends and All My Relations……******…….

Last year I was being filmed in the Village of Qeqertarsuaq for ZDF-TV – a German language film about Climate Change – at that time – I decided to send a request to the Christian World – through the Pope of the Catholic World – if it could be possible to collaborate regarding Climate Change –

Two years earlier the Pope had written about the Climate Change – knowing the severity of its impact around the world in many countries and millions of people being impacted – since the Northern Hemisphere and in particular our Country of Greenland being the ‘Ground Zero’ of Climate Change –

Asking him if we could collaborate about the issue…..


Freunde und alle, mit denen ich verbunden bin……******…….

Letztes Jahr wurde ich für einen deutschsprachigen Dokumentarfilm über den Klimawandel des ZDF – Fernsehens gefilmt im Dorf Qeqertarsuaq – damals beschloss ich, eine Anfrage in die christliche Welt zu schicken – durch den Papst der Katholischen Kirche – ob es denn möglich sei, hinsichtlich des Klimawandels zusammen zu arbeiten –

Zwei Jahre vorher hatte der Papst sich schriftlich zum Klimawandel geäußert – im Wissen um die schwerwiegenden Auswirkungen auf viele Länder der Erde und Millionen Menschen – zumal die nördliche Halbkugel und besonders unser Land Grönland der “Ground Zero” des Klimawandels ist –

Ich fragte ihn, ob es möglich sei, in der Angelegenheit zusammen zu arbeiten ….

Water, the Life Giving Source of All ~ World Water Day | Milano, Italy

Made by Bosco di Ogigia, Italy … Qujanaq … Grazie … Thank you …

Angaangaq at the International Peace Pledge Project in The Hague, The Netherlands

In September 2017, Angaangaq was invited for the Worldwide Pilgrimage for Love, Compassion and Human Unity, organized by the UNIVERSAL SUFI COUNCIL. This Council has been established to spread the Sufi message of love, harmony, and beauty; of respect, tolerance and universal brotherhood and sisterhood

Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq was a speaker at the PEACE PLEDGE PROJECT, a Peace Symposium in The Netherlands, from September 12th to 14th, taking place in the international Peace Palace in The Hague and in the neighbouring Sufi Temple in Katwijk aan Zee.

More spiritual and political leaders were present, such as Sri M (India), 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche (Tibet), Swami Chidanand Saraswati (India), Shin Tao (Taiwan), Prof. Dr. H.J. Witteveen (former Managing Director of the IMF), Venu Rajamony (Ambassador from India), Bert Koenders (former Minister in the Netherlands). The main focus of the symposium were: water, education, and the importance of compassion and kindness in our work.

Uncle spoke about WATER and how we need to become aware about not spoiling so much precious fresh drinking water, by just brushing our teeth our by accepting leaking taps. “There’s still so much imbalance in the world”.

Greenland has more fresh water than any other place in the world. Water in Greenlandic language is called IMEQ, which means “the life giving source of all”.  And it is so true: no one can live without water.

Water was present in the assambly that had been part of hundreds of ceremonies in the Netherlands and Belgium, with the intention to support Standing Rock and the Native People. They have to face the coming of an oil pipeline trough their native land wich will poison their drinking water and bring unimaginable damage. Also Angaangaq had done a water ceremony for Standing Rock at a previous visit to The Netherlands.

Find the link to the Website of the Symposium: here



Angaangaq at Wisdom Together 2017 in Munich

Angaangaq about Intuition of the Indigenous people in Greenland (English / German)

Wisdom Together Munich 2017

International thoughts leaders and pioneers from science, business, culture and arts talking about


“Consciousness and ethical leadership are fundamental for global transformation. Conscious leaders have high levels of awareness, and act with compassion to share their knowledge, network and experience with others, and can be found in any position in our societies.” – Wisdom Together 2017

Learn more about Wisdom Together at



ELDERS GATHERING ~ UTOQQARNUT AASIVIK | Kangerlussuaq, Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)

My name is Angaangaq and it means the Man who Looks like his Uncle.

As a runner for my Elders of Greenland, I would like to invite my friends and all my relations of the indigenous world to come and visit us in Greenland from July 5th to 11th, where we will be celebrating a Full Moon Ceremony during the Midnight Sun, where we will be at the Sacred Site where my Grandmother grew up since the 1890s.

The time for Unity has come and that need for unity has never been as great as it is now. And the last chance we have to be able to freely move in this world is now. Before it is too late, the Elders have asked that we get together and have a council and speak of what it is that we need to do to give hope for the world.

Come and walk with me in silence, only with what you think and what you feel. Celebrate with me and have fun – as Life is a Ceremony in itself, worthy of celebrating with a Ceremony.  Witness the full moon and the midnight sun facing each other above the Big Ice in the bright night. At the Big Ice, hear the silence, the incredible silence.
In the vastness of my land, realize your own immensity within. Come home to yourself, find yourself again and find peace while walking the oldest crust of Mother Earth – the only land on Earth where Man lives and there has never been war.  Coming home to yourself, you will see your own beauty and you will walk tall and powerful, as you are meant to be, for times and times to come.

So I invite you: Come to the Elders Gathering in Kangerlussuaq in Greenland, The Land of the People (Kalaallit Nunaat). I look forward to hearing from you.

In Unity,


New Book Publication in Italian Language

Angaangaq´s book in German has just been published in Italian language by ‘Terra Nuova Edizioni:

La Saggezza dello Sciamano. 21 cerimonie per vivere con consapevolezza e forza interiore Link here

[The Wisdom of the Shaman: 21 Ceremonies for Living Consciously and with Inner Strength]

Ceremonies have always played a fundamental role for all indigenous peoples. They contain the ancient teachings and give significance and guidance in daily life; they are precious tools for a life in harmony with ourselves and nature. In our modern society we have lost this connection, our life is ruled by stress, feeling of isolation, of constant lack of time, of true relationships, of joy of life….

A ceremony is something living which has a significance for you. It comes from your heart and gives you joy; in this way, it gives sense to your daily life, and becomes support, creativity and healing. You will start to see your own beauty and the beauty of others, you will find a new reality within yourself, and your life will become a living ceremony.”

In this book Angaangaq, the Greenlandic Shaman known worldwide, presents 21 simple ceremonies for your daily practice. Small ceremonies which will help you to be in contact with the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors, and to take the challenges of daily life with more serenity and courage.

These ceremonies have been created for various moments during daily life, e.g. the ceremony of WAKING UP and GOING TO SLEEP, or to celebrate different aspects and emotions of existence, like THE BEAUTIFUL SIDES OF LIFE, THE SMILE OF THE HEART, HUGGING YOURSELF and BURNING TEARS.

Starting and ending the day in a loving way, feeling grateful for the gifts of life, or consciously letting go of heavy thoughts and moods – are small gestures with a great effect. The ceremonies help you to recognize and to celebrate moments of happiness, and to live your life with more fullness and awareness.

Life is a ceremony, worthy to be celebrated with a ceremony.