Angaangaq is a well known and popular lecturer and keynote speaker at international conferences. He has spoken at the most varied occasions from universities, schools, medical and scientific symposia to government organisations like the United Nations, religious conferences, kindergarten and companies. He is talking about environmental issues like climate change as well as about spiritual and indigenious themes.

Always there is a transformation, a new understanding, a deeper connection to be gained. Through Angaangaq’s work interracial and intercultural harmony is promoted, perceptions shift and environmental awareness is expanded.

Angaangaq is talking English.

In March 2019 he had a talk at the International Conference at the Vatican “Religions and Sustainable Development Goals”. Video of Angaangaqs talk

For joining an event with Angaangaq have a look at the calendar.

Contact for lecture requests:

Lecture at the congress of the international established DGPPN - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde in Berlin / Germany.

Lecture at the congress of the international established DGPPN – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde in Berlin / Germany.