„Life is a circle, it has no beginning and no end. Something has to die before something else can live. Life and death are one and the same.“ Angaangaq
These days we are facing more than ever before our vulnerability as a human being and as a society. Being not in control about death and life is a reality from which we cannot escape.
Angaangaq will adress in two LIVE online teachings these essential topics from a shamanic point of view and in the light of his culture.
He will cover the following questions, also there will be a Q & A at each teaching:
- What is the shamanic view on death
- How can we deal with vulnerability, illness and the transience of life
- What does it truly mean that „life and death are one and the same and that life has no beginning and no end“
- How can we deal with fears and the uncertainty of our time
- What are depressions from a shamanic point of view and how to deal with them
- How can we prepare ourself for difficult times on Earth
Total costs for two online teachings ( 2 hours each teaching) : € 90
Dates: October 14h/ 21nd
7:30- 9:30 pm (Berlin)
10:30 – 12:30 am (San Francisco)
1:30-3:30 pm (New York)
Angaangaq speaks English.
(Translation to German and Italian will be broadcasted at an extra translation channel and is not audible at the English channel).
The online event is hosted with zoom.
After the event participants will receive a link for permanent access via You Tube.
For registration we use the ticketing system of Eventbrite – you can pay there directly with credit card.
Should you have any problems with proceeding your payment please contact michaela.rohrauer@icewisdom.com
Angaangaq is a shaman, traditional healer and storyteller from Greenland. His spiritual task is: “Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man”.
His work has taken him to over 70 countries around the world. His teachings are deeply rooted in the wisdom of the Greenlandic tradition, which enabled people over thousands of years to survive in one of the harshest places on Earth.
Through his stories and chants we begin to see our world with different eyes, as our hearts open to the beauty within and around us.
„As a shaman I will help you, assist you and guide you with the intention of you coming home to yourself. Because you are worth coming home to.“