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Online Teachings | Lift your Spirit with Ceremonies

15. Juli 2020 | 20:3029. Juli 2020 | 21:00

- €39

YOU CAN STILL REGISTER. You will receive a recording of the first teaching and a link to the next live teaching.


„Life is a ceremony in itself – worth celebrating with a ceremony.“

Ceremonies help us to find the beauty and simplicity of life. They make us aware that life is a precious gift worth living with joy and a smiling heart.

The essence of a ceremony is to get in touch with oneself. When you do something consciously and with your heart, it becomes a ceremony and this ceremony will lift your spirit.

Angaangaq shares the wisdom of his ancestors about the meaning of ceremonies in this three-part online teaching and will inspire you to develop your own ceremony, which will help you to find balance within.

He will focus on the ceremony of  Creating smoke – Fire – Full Moon

Total cost for three online teachings ( 30 minutes each) : € 39

Dates: July 15h/ 22nd /29th/

8:30- 9:00 pm (CEST- Central European Summertime)

11:30 – 12:00 am (PDT- Pacific Daytime)

2:30-3:00 pm (EDT – Eastern Daytime)


Angaangaq speaks English.

(Translation to German and Italian will be broadcasted at a translation channel and is not audible at the English channel).

The online event is hosted with zoom. Participants will receive permanent access to the online teachings via You Tube.

After the event participants will receive a link for permanent access via You Tube.


Angaangaq is a shaman, traditional healer and storyteller from Greenland. His spiritual task  is: “Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man”.

His work has taken him to over 70 countries around the world.  His teachings are deeply rooted in the wisdom of the Greenlandic tradition, which enabled people over thousands of years to survive in one of the harshest places on Earth.

Through his stories and chants we begin to see our world with different eyes, as our hearts open to the beauty within and around us.


„I walk to the top of the mountain to pray. I see the people of the world. They are asleep. I know this because they are not chanting the songs of the heart. I need to awaken them so their hearts can speak to the Creator.“

„As a shaman I will help you, assist you and guide you with the intention of you coming home to yourself. Because you are worth coming home to.“





15. Juli 2020 | 20:30
29. Juli 2020 | 21:00


15. Juli 2020 | 20:30
29. Juli 2020 | 21:00