The teachings of the Shaman are always about yourself. They tell you something about your life. They support you to understand who you are.
According to Angaangaqs teachings „the reason why your are walking on that Earth is to get to know yourself. Only if you understand yourself and if you are in peace with yourself – with who you are and who you became – you will be able to deal with your actual life. You and I we are deeper than the deepest oceans of Earth. This depth will teach us something: No matter how alone I am in this world, I will never be alone, when I go deep inside myself. Because I get myself connected to everyone outside. If we connect with eachother, then our world expands. That is what we need to do now.“
In times of Corona, where Angaangaq cannot travel, the Online LIVE Seminar will give you the chance to get in touch with Angaangaq in a personal way and asking him questions – face to face. Every participant is visible and can interact with Angaangaq. Angaangaq will connect in energy and spirit with each participant. The number of participants will be limited for allowing a personal contact with Angaangaq and for bringing in personal questions.
You will receive shamanic teachings by Angaangaq in several seminar sequences. Angaangaqs being, his teachings and storytelling will bring you in touch with your deeper essence. The connection with your heart gets strengthened.
One topic of the teachings and one offering of Angaangaq during that weekend will be to guide you through a shamanic spirituel walk. On a shamanic walk you walk alone in silence with what you think and what you feel. With each step you will get closer to yourself. The other topics will evolve during the seminar and according to your own questions you have.
Additional informations:
Due to difference of time zone, the seminar times with Angaangaq in person will be in the late afternoon and evening European time, in the morning and midday North American Time. We will use that difference of time – on Sunday morning (European time and night at Angaangaqs home) you will be ready to do your own shamanic walk at the place where you live.This walk will bring you in deeper contact with Your Self – Angaangaq will accompany you in spirit. For participants from North America the time for the walk might be Saturday afternoon.
We recommend to take your time off at that weekend, that you can stay in touch with yourself in the time between the teaching sessions. Sunday morning is your day for doing your shamanic spirituel walk. The walk should last several hours. The best is to walk in nature. If this is not possible, just find a route which is possible for you.
Doing you own shamanic walk is a kind of extra offer. If you cannot find time to do your walk at that weekend, you still can participate at the seminar, which will give you room for your own subjects.
Seminar times :
Friday: 7:30 – 9:00 pm – Berlin
10:30- 11:00 am – Los Angeles
1:30 -3:00 pm- New York
Saturday and Sunday: 4:00 – 6:00 pm and 7:30- 9:00 pm- Berlin
7:00 – 9:00 am and 10:30 – 11:00 am- Los Angeles
10:00- 12:00 am and 1:30 – 3:00 pm New York
Sunday morning (Berlin Time zone) : time for your own shamanic walk- in the USA best time for the shamanic walk is Saturday afternoon.
Seminar fee: € 275
Angaangaq speaks English and is translated to German.
For further information please contact : Michaela Rohrauer
Cellphone: +43 (0)699 1335 7011 (after 4:30 pm)
Technical requirements: We use zoom . For a zoom meeting you only need a sufficiently strong internet connection for a stable connection. You will recieve the link for the meeting in advance. For testing zoom in advance you will receive a test access link for a Zoom Meeting . If you have any questions, please contact the organizer.