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Intensive Seminar | About New Beginnings | Lake of Constance, Switzerland

Mai 24 | 18:30Mai 26 | 16:00

- CHF480

Find HERE a video with Angaangaq inviting for this Seminar

The whole world is changing and nature is also going through the changing seasons. Spring has begun and nature is awakening and blossoming anew. We too are going through change and want to move forward, consciously and with mindfulness towards ourselves, nature and our fellow human beings. Rarely have we been so challenged to see and think about things in a new way and the urgency of change seems particularly huge right now.

“It is important to me to create ‘circles’: spiritual communities that open up a space in which people can grow – in which people can lift their spirit. When people encounter themselves there and understand themselves, change begins. When people recognize themselves, they gain the power to shape and change society. Yes, it is only when people recognize themselves that something like community is created. But we have forgotten all this. That’s why we need support. We need the support of a circle.”

The fact that everything is connected to everything else and that not only the global climate knows no boundaries, but also the climate that prevails between us humans, seems to be becoming ever clearer. We have grown so far apart and have forgotten to look after each other. It seems so important that we learn to come together in community again, to learn to live together in community in a good way. To celebrate ceremonies in community.

It is time for us to learn to come together in a circle again and speak in a circle, face to face, so that we don’t talk behind each other’s backs, but in a circle. In the circle which has no beginning and no ending and in which everyone is heard and seen equally. The circle to which we all belong.

In the midst of beautiful nature in the seminar house at the Lake of Constance, we experience spring and can realign ourselves and, like nature, experience our own new beginning. Storytelling, ceremonies and chants – partly with the Qilaut (wind drum) – will be the main part of the seminar. The main theme will bring us to new beginnings and change according to the season, but there will also be room for questions on all other matters and other topics.

In the seminar you will learn about the teachings and ceremonies of Angaangaqa homeland – the only country where people live and where there has never been war. It is a weekend where you can come home to yourself and experience Angaangaq as a shaman.

“There is so much loneliness in the modern world. Look around you: In your city, there are thousands who are lonely. It was different in the villages where I grew up. All generations lived in the same place. The doors were open. Children grew up under a roof of love provided by their parents and grandparents. That hardly exists today. But the longing for a family – that exists all the more. What can we do? We can look for spiritual families – spiritual communities that accompany us through life. We need such communities today more than ever. Because families – even where they still exist – have long ceased to be places of spiritual growth.”

Further information is available at Vasumaya Wurm.

Angaangaq speaks English and will be translated consecutively into German.

Seminar costs: CHF 480 / € 500 excl. board & loadging.

Registration form for download.


Mai 24 | 18:30
Mai 26 | 16:00


Seminarzentrum Glarisegg
Schloss Glarisegg 1
Steckborn, 8266 Schweiz
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IceWisdom Germany GmbH | Vasumaya Wurm
+49(0)173 352 5291


Mai 24 | 18:30
Mai 26 | 16:00


Seminarzentrum Glarisegg
Schloss Glarisegg 1
Steckborn, 8266 Schweiz
Google Karte anzeigen


IceWisdom Germany GmbH | Vasumaya Wurm
+49(0)173 352 5291