Through this conference, we wish to inspire courage in young students to work together and face the future with the strength that comes from a diverse and collaborative group. When we learn from each other in an open way, we see where we can combine our attributes to fill in for another, and by doing so can discover new ways to go about the issues our world is facing, ways we wouldn’t be able to find each on our own. As a bundle of arrows is unsnappable whereas a single arrow is weak, so much stronger are we as a team compared to separate individuals. But in order to find our way together, it is required of each member to find independently in themselves the will force to start tackling the immense struggles of our globe.
The International Students’ Conference of 2024 will take place at the Goetheanum in Switzerland, transforming each patio, field, and hall into a forum of excited and passionate faces and lively voices. Guest speakers will give inspiration and share their wisdom in lectures. Workshops will provide the space for reflection and exploration so that the new inspiration will get the opportunity to take form. In between, games will be played, songs will be sung, and art will be performed and experienced, so that we will become not just a group of students, but a group of friends. Our goal is to provide a space where connections can be made across countries and even continents so that through all those different lenses through which the world is perceived, a new clarity can be discovered.
Sign up here: ISC 2024