Wisdom from the North
In his intensive seminar, Angaangaq will use his Qilaut drum; he will chant, he will teach, he will share the wisdom from the North. It’s not just the drum, the chanting, or the ceremony that makes these Circles so powerful. Its the Awareness, Heart, the Presence that Angaangaq embodies. You can recognize it when he walks in, the whole atmosphere changes. You can feel the Spirit, the immense Stillness and Presence of Love that he embodies. If you let go, the ice in your heart will begin to melt.
Being in Circle with Angaangaq is a unique and powerful experience. If you are open to it, he can guide you to become aware of who you are in this world; to realize how beautiful and immense you truly are. You will experience an energy shift, open new perspective and relationship to your world.
When you become aware of that, you arrive Home to yourself and your life becomes a living ceremony.
Midtown location to be announced.
Early registration $345 till April 1st, after April 1st $395.
Limited enrollment ~ Register Early