The most beautiful prayer is a blossoming person: tall, powerful and in beauty. That is how we are meant to be for times and times to come. Not bent in spirit, not bent in body – but tall, powerful and in beauty. This is what it is all about. During the weekend, the guiding theme is: „Walking tall and powerful“ – what does it mean and how can you live it? Angaangaq will guide us through the seminar and topic with stories and the teachings of the Far North – you can experience him as a shaman. There is also room for further subjects in the seminar and the opportunity to ask questions to any other areas. The main part of the seminar will be story telling, ceremonies and chants – often with the wind drum.
»Walk in a good way. Walk tall and powerful as you are meant to be, for times and times to come.«
For further Information and registration contact Vasumaya Wurm
Seminarfee: € 390,-
Friday only: 4pm – 9pm | € 80,-
Saturday or Sunday only: 10am – 5pm | € 190,-
Saturday and Sunday only: each day 10am – 5pm | € 350,-
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Information about the Lecture „Melting the Ice in the Heart“ in Cologne on October 10, 2019 you find here.
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