The Sweat Lodge is one of the most sacred ceremonies in the indigenous world. In this ceremony, each one of us gets in touch with our Creator, supported by the presence of others. Both our body and our spirit will be cleansed in prayer.
There are four rounds to a Sweat Lodge. It is possible, though, to leave the lodge at any time. Angaangaq will conduct the lodge together with experienced helpers of his Tuukkaq Circle.
„The Sweat Lodge is the womb of Mother Earth. Here you can be who you really are.“
Costs: Early bird until June 30th: € 580 | from July on: € 630
Board and lodging not included.
Contact: vasumaya.wurm (at) icewisdom.com |+49(0)173 352 5291
Venue: Parimal Gut Hübenthal e.G. | Hübenthal 1 | 37218 Witzenhausen | www.parimal.de