Angaangaq will hold a circle and do a ceremony on Sunday, July 7th. His contribution cannot yet be found on the congress website because things are just falling into place. Nevertheless, we are very pleased to give you this first announcement.
The “Living Gratefully” congress invites visitors to immerse themselves in this important topic in lectures, workshops and musical contributions. The congress deals with the possibilities of happy encounters and relationships based on appreciative and loving communication. Top-class speakers are Dr. Monika Renz, Dr. Johannes Pausch, Prof. Dr. Michael Lehofer, Annette Kaiser and now also Angaangaq. We warmly invite you to this congress!
A small congress. Different cultural influences and expertise come together at the congress. What unites them are basic ethical beliefs and a spirituality lived in everyday life. The organizers: “We live in a time of change and great uncertainty. The conviction that everything is connected to everything else requires us to show solidarity with one another, with our environment and with living nature.”
GRATITUDE is the sincere appreciation and recognition of a situation, other people or, in a religious sense, God. It can be expressed in many ways, through words in simple, everyday situations, through gestures or gifts, or even in a letter to an important person in life. Expressing honest gratitude every day triggers positive emotions. It has a meaningful effect, improves personal communication and strengthens health.
With our speakers we want to shed light on grateful action from different perspectives. As a practiced practice, GRATITUDE gives us more security and joy in encounters and relationships. It is also a key to a better quality of life.
For more information or questions, simply contact mail@kreisdermentoren.at
More information can also be found on the congress website here.
The congress language is German and Angaangaq will be translated into German.