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Peace Pledge Project with the Universal Sufi Council | Assisi, Italy

29. Juni 2018 | 9:0023:30

Come and join Angaangaq and 100 spiritual leaders, business leaders, educational and environmental leaders who will come together to emphasize the importance of universal loving-kindness and compassion for all beings. This momentous event will demonstrate to the world our mutual friendship, respect and common goal for a peaceful world nurtured by wisdom, compassion, unity in diversity, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Free event,

Registration is required here:


Flyer for Download: here


Why Assisi?

Assisi, the sacred City of Peace and birthplace of St Francis.

St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint for environment could be viewed as the original Earth Day advocate. Francis’ devotion to God was expressed through his love for all of God’s creation, Mother Earth. He cared for the poor and sick, he preached sermons to animals, and praised all creatures as brothers and sisters under God. St Francis had met with the Sultan on his journey to the Holy Land.  They respected each other.

St Francis could therefore be an example of becoming friends with other religious leaders from a different background. Saint Francis believed that all creatures should praise God and the people have a duty to protect and enjoy nature as both the stewards of God’s creation and as creatures ourselves. On November 29, 1979,  Pope John Paul III declared Saint Francis the Patron Saint of Ecology.


Pope John Paul II wrote on the occasion of the World Day of Peace, January 1, 1990, the saint of Assisi “offers Christians an example of genuine and deep respect for the integrity of creation …” He went on to make the point that: “As a friend of the poor who was loved by God’s creatures, Saint Francis invited all of creation – animals, plants, natural forces, even Brother Sun and Sister Moon – to give honor and praise to the Lord. The poor man of Assisi gives us striking witness that when we are at peace with God we are better able to devote ourselves to building up that peace with all creation which is inseparable from peace among all peoples.”

What is the purpose of this event?

In the face of international conflicts, we will demonstrate to the world our mutual friendship, respect and common goal for a peaceful world nurtured by wisdom, compassion, unity in diversity, forgiveness and reconciliation.


29. Juni 2018
9:00 – 23:30


29. Juni 2018
9:00 – 23:30