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Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man – Shamanic Wisdom in Challenging Times | Schlierbach, Oberösterreich (Austria)

26. Oktober 2018 | 19:3021:00

- € 25
Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, Elder and Shaman, comes from the only country in the world where Man lives and there has never been war: Greenland. His commitment to the environment and indigenous issues brought him 70 countries. Since early in his life, Angaangaq has been invited by the United Nations, indigenous organizations, the Vatican among others.

Angaangaq`s teachings are deeply rooted in the the oral traditions of his people. As a runner for the Elders in his country, Angaangaq realized that political activities and talks did not really bring about change. His mother gave him the instruction to just change his ways instead and to learn how to melt the ice in the heart of Man. Ever since, Angaangaq has advocated a spiritual climate change in seminars, lectures and ceremonies:

“It is easy to melt the ice on the ground. The hardest thing to be melted is the ice in the heart of Man. Only by melting the ice in the heart of Man, does Man have a chance to change and begin using his knowledge wisely.“

Angaangaq speaks English and will be translated into German.

Venue: SPES Hotel, Panoramaweg 1, 4553 Schlierbach Web:

Please register with: michaela.rohrauer(at)

For further information also: 0043-(0)699/1335 7011 (after 4 pm)


26. Oktober 2018
19:30 – 21:00
€ 25


26. Oktober 2018
19:30 – 21:00
€ 25