Greenland is the only place on Earth where people live and there has never been war – the stories and teachings of this very old culture convey a special power. The wisdom and teachings of the Greenlandic culture have been kept alive for thousands of years and from generation to generation, through the art of storytelling – shamanism is deeply rooted in it. Angaangaq stems from a family of traditional healers and shamans. He has been prepared and trained by his family, in particular by his Grandmother Aanakasaa, for the duty as a shaman. So it took 57 years of preparation, until he took on the title of a shaman and the responsibility that comes along with it.
“A Shaman is a person like you or me – a real person amongst real people. A Shaman is a person who lives with full awareness – a person who has looked at himself in depth and who has journeyed through the three worlds within. He has become complete and thus is able to guide you on your inner path; he is able to help you become aware of your own beauty, to love yourself and arrive home.“
Costs: CHF 25,00
Information and registration at „Die Quelle“